NAASC Leadership

If you want to contact someone on the NAASC Leadership Team, please submit the Leadership Contact Form.

Elected Officers

Elected Positions as described in NAASC Constitution and By-Laws.


Daria N. Valentine,



Adrienne Lance Lucas,


Vice President

Pamela Cooper, C’88


Alexandra Hadley, C’2002

Assistant Treasurer Christel Jackson, C’84

Financial Secretary Camille Sanders Patterson, C’92

Recording Secretary Husniyah Dent Bradley, C’97

Assistant Recording Secretary

Rashidah Hasan, C’98

Assistant Corresponding Secretary

Stacey A. Frazier, C’99

Corresponding Secretary

Chantel M. Bryant, C’2007

Immediate Past President

Keva Wright Berry, C’79

Regional Officers

Southeast Regional Coordinator - Renee Wilson, C’92

Southeast Regional Delegate - Shaquite Pegues, C’2006

Southeast Regional Delegate - Renee J Ross, C’92

Southeast Regional Delegate - Pamela Bailey, C’74

Great Lakes Regional Coordinator -

Lynette Watson, C’88

Far West Regional Coordinator - Maria Maxie Whitfield, C’88

Far West Regional Delegate - Shanon Belle, C’2008

Great Lakes Regional Delegate - Elizabeth McCree, C’2005

Northeast Regional Delegate - Robin Brown, C'90

Northeast Regional Coordinator -Brustina Dillard, C’83

Northeast Regional Delegate - Ashley Huderson, C’2006

Northeast Regional Delegate - Diya Wynn, C'96

South Central Regional Coordinator - Samara Hassan, C’91

South Central Regional Delegate - Skyla Keys, C’2013

Member-at-Large West


Member-at-Large East - Najeema Washington, C’2000

Standing Committees

Chair, Membership - Kerstin Roper, C’96

Chair, Constitution & Bylaws - Denise Cooper, C’99

Chair, Personal Achievement & Awards -

Nicole Williams, C’2000

Chair, Credentials -

Patricia Jones, C’1990

Chair, Affinity Relations - Monica Briggs, C’91

Chair, Nominations

- Daria Shelton, C’2000

Chair, Elections -

Kasey McClary, C’91

Chair, Program - Adrienne Lance Lucas, C’99

Chair, Technology - Shashonna Smith, C’97

Chair, Compliance -

Terri Jackson Wright, C’86

Chair, Finance - Alexandra Hadley, C’2002

Appointments and Ad Hoc Committees

Archivist/Historian - Novice Johnson, C’79

Leadership Development Institute, Chair - Rhonda Waller, C’91

Chair, Health Initiative Committee - E.

Vanessa Spearman-McCarthy, C’2001

Chaplain -

Angela Johnson, C’95


Sheryl McNeill, C’79

Administrative Assistant and Social Media

Kai Waller, C’2019